We get privacy. And because we get privacy, we don’t want your personal information.
We don’t want to collect it.
We don’t want to hold it.
We don’t want to use it.
And we don’t want to know anything about you.
You say “Here Calabash Solutions, take my personal information”, and our reply will be: “Hell-to-the-EN-to-the-OH!”
That said, sometimes we, begrudgingly, must know who you are – and we’re dragged (kicking and screaming) to collect information from you or about you. When we do, you can refer to this statement describing the how, why, what, who and what-the of our personal information handling practices.
Us, as a Processor.
We do a fair bit of work as a Processor, a contracted service provider to another company, called a Controller.
In our role as Processor, we sometimes must process your personal information on behalf of a Controller, so that we can fulfill our obligations to the Controller.
The services we provide, the personal information we collect, what we can and can’t do with your personal information, and how we store it, is covered under contract arrangements between us and the Controller.
When we act as a Processor, we stick to our contractual obligations in how we process your personal information. And we always process your personal information lawfully.
When we are a Processor, the privacy policy of the Controller applies – and it describes how your personal information is managed by the Controller and their Processors.
Us, as a Controller.
When we are not a Processor, we’re the Controller.
As the Controller, we collect and process personal information about you, and we manage your personal information in our own capacity. When we’re acting as a Controller, this statement applies.
Personal information we collect.
In our capacity as Controller, we collect your information if you are a Calabash Customer, an individual and organisation with whom we have a business relationship, and when you engage us for one or more services we provide, including:
- Calabash privacy services.
- Calabash training.
- Calabash consultancy.
- Calabash research.
- Calabash design.
- Communicating with us.
As the Controller, we collect and hold personal information about you, the Calabash Customer.
With few exceptions, this is limited to the kinds of information that can be found on a business card, such as your name, job title, employer, work address, work email, and work phone number. We prefer to engage with you using your business contact details only.
We collect personal information about you that is required to keep in contact with you, and to provide you with one or more of our service offerings.
We collect personal information directly from you or from publicly available sources, such as from your website, news articles, public listings, and so on.
If you provide us with personal information related to others (for example, the name and contact details of a work colleague), we ask that you seek their informed consent before sharing it with us. Tell them that you are disclosing their personal information to us, and direct them to this statement and tell them to email us at info@calabashsolutions.net if they have questions.
We don’t collect, hold or store personal information on your customers, except if it cannot be avoided for our engagement with you.
If you ask us to process your customers’ personal information, we’ll try really, really hard to convince you otherwise.
We don’t share your personal information with others, unless we tell you beforehand, and we have your informed consent to do so - unless required by the law. We definitely don’t sell your personal information to others.
Privacy as a Calabash Solutions website visitor.
Our website is hosted on Strikingly (https://www.strikingly.com/). Strikingly doesn’t share website visitor personal information with us, but we can, and do, access the analytics, which includes:
- The number of unique visitors to our website
- Top web pages visited on our site
- Countries where visitors are located
- Devices used to visit our website (e.g. desktop, mobile, etc.)
- Traffic sources
This information is collected through cookies on your browser, unless you’ve configured your browser to reject them (which we highly recommend!).
The information we obtain from Strikingly cannot be associated with an identifiable individual. But we do use the information to monitor web traffic, to understand visitor use of our website, and to make improvements to our website.
Visit Strikingly’s privacy policy here https://support.strikingly.com/hc/en-us/articles/214364818-Strikingly-s-Privacy-Policy .
Ask and we shall deliver.
You have the right to ask us for copies of your personal information.
You have the right to ask us to correct personal information you think is inaccurate or incomplete.
Emai us at info@calabashsolutions.net and we’ll give you or fix what you’ve asked for, except in exceptional circumstances where the law compels us not to.
Rage and we will respond.
You have a right to be pissed off with how we process your personal information.
Hell, we’re continuously pissed off with how others handle our data.
Email us at info@calabashsolutions.net if you want to make a privacy complaint.
Wanna rage harder? You can escalate your complaint to the top dog privacy regulator in Australia, the Office of the Australian Information Commissioner (OAIC), if you’re still bummed. Here’s the best way to contact them: https://www.oaic.gov.au/contact-us.
Contact us.
Still unsure about how we process your personal information? Have more questions? Email us at info@calabashsolutions.net.
We'll post any changes to this statement on our website. Check it out from time to time.
LAST UPDATED: October 2024